Campgrounds: The Endorus Expedition: Levels 11 - 20

Our Campgrounds: The Endorus Expedition Walkthrough will provide you with the answers you need to formulate a winning strategy to help you earn those coveted gold times. Use our full video solutions paired with crystal clear step-by-step instructions for each and every level in order to help Addie retrace the steps of an ancient civilization in this challenging time management game.

Please note that this page for our Campgrounds: The Endorus Expedition Walkthrough may take a few moments to load as we have included videos for each level.

Level 11

  1. Clear debris
  2. Build trailer
  3. Repair trailer
  4. Demolish tent
  5. Upgrade 3 trailers to 3 stars
  6. Build factory
  7. Repair shaman
  8. Construct right bridge for 250
  9. Buy seeds
  10. Construct left bridge
  11. Demolish factory
  12. Build tent and add garden
  13. Build 2 shrubs
  14. Add gardens to 3 trailers



Level 12

  1. Make supplies
  2. Clear debris
  3. Hire worker
  4. Repair cabin
  5. Build 2 cabins
  6. Upgrade 3 cabins to 2 stars
  7. Upgrade factory
  8. Hire 4th worker
  9. Upgrade 3 cabins to 3 stars
  10. Build bridge for 300 supplies
  11. Upgrade factory to 3 stars
  12. Clear debris
  13. Hire to 5th worker
  14. Build cabin and upgrade
  15. Demolish tree
  16. Build 5th cabin and upgrade
  17. Demolish decorations
  18. Add gardens to all cabins
  19. Collect supplies



Level 13

  1. Demolish right trailer
  2. Clear 2 road debris
  3. Demolish lower right trailer and clear bottom 2 debris
  4. Build factory (and run twice)
  5. Build cabin
  6. Demolish tent
  7. Repair shaman
  8. Upgrade factory
  9. Repair shaman
  10. Demolish  tent
  11. Build 2nd cabin and upgrade both to 1 star
  12. Build 3rd cabin and demolish trailer
  13. Build 4th cabin and demolish trailer
  14. Build 5th cabin
  15. Upgrade 5 cabins to 2 stars
  16. Hire 2 workers
  17. Upgrade 5 cabins to 3 stars
  18. At 700 supplies, demolish factory
  19. Build greenhouse and upgrade twice (need 1800 plus 300 2100 run 3 times
  20. Build 6 flowers and add gardens
  21. Demolish greenhouse with 300+ seeds
  22. Build last cabin and upgrade to 3 stars and add garden



Level 14

**slightly different from video

  1. Build cabin
  2. Upgrade factory
  3. Build bridge to center and dig up chest
  4. Bridge bridges at 9 and 6 o'clock
  5. You then do not need to clear the debris
  6. Build 2nd cabin and upgrade both
  7. Build 2 cabins and upgrade
  8. Hire 5th worker
  9. Upgrade all cabins to 3 stars
  10. Demolish factory with 400 supplies
  11. Build cabin and upgrade once



Level 15

  1. Repair far cabin
  2. Build factory and upgrade once
  3. Clear debris and dig up chest
  4. Build 2 cabins
  5. Upgrade 3 cabins [you do not need to do this]
  6. Demolish tent
  7. Build 2 hot dog stands
  8. Demolish factory with 500 supplies
  9. Build 3rd hot dog stand



Level 16

**Different and easier way than video

  1. Hire workers to 4
  2. Dig up chests
  3. Build factory
  4. Run events
  5. Run 4 times (800-500=300
  6. Build 2 tents
  7. Build hot dog stand and run events
  8. Demolish factory and build greenhouse
  9. Add gardens to 3 tents
  10. Demolish greenhouse after collecting 800 seeds
  11. Build tent
  12. Build 2 shrubs



Level 17

  1. Hire to 6 workers
  2. Clear debris
  3. Build factory and upgrade
  4. Repair trailer
  5. Demolish tree
  6. Build greenhouse
  7. Build 3 3-star cabins and add gardens
  8. Demolish trailer and build 3 star house with garden
  9. Build a shrub
  10. Demolish greenhouse with 300 seeds (1900)
  11. Upgrade factory
  12. Hire workers to 9
  13. Build cabin with 3 stars and garden
  14. Build bridges to lookout
  15. Start constructing lookouts
  16. Hire 10th worker



Level 18 

  1. Repair cabin
  2. Shoot the first elephant
  3. Build 2 cabins
  4. Scare away elephant at top
  5. Dig up treasure
  6. Build greenhouse
  7. Build trailer
  8. Scare off last elephant
  9. Build hot dog stand
  10. Add garden to trailer
  11. Build 2 shrubs
  12. Demolish greenhouse



Level 19

  1. Shoot elephant
  2. Build cabin
  3. Clear road debris
  4. Build factory
  5. Build 3 cabins
  6. Hire 4th worker
  7. Upgrade factory
  8. Hire 5th worker
  9. Repair shaman
  10. Build 5th cabin
  11. Upgrade all cabin to 3 stars
  12. Build bridge
  13. Build pump station
  14. Hire workers to 8
  15. Build greenhouse and upgrade to 3 stars
  16. Send workers to pump station
  17. Buy seed
  18. Hire 9th worker



Level 20

  1. Make supplies and clear to trailer
  2. Build a cabin
  3. Shoot the elephant and dig up the treasure
  4. Demolish the trailer
  5. Hire a worker
  6. Build 3 cabins
  7. Hire to 5 workers
  8. Build cabin
  9. Demolish tent and build 6th cabin
  10. Upgrade cabins
  11. Hire to 6 workers
  12. Upgrade factory to 2 stars
  13. While upgrading hire to 10 workers
  14. Upgrade factory again
  15. Hire to 12 workers
  16. Build pump station
  17. Hire to 14 workers (not necessary)
  18. Demolish factory at 2000 supplies
  19. Build pump station
  20. Build 3 star greenhouse
  21. Hire to 17 workers
  22. Staff pump stations and buy seeds
  23. Build shrub and add gardens to 3 cabins