Demigods: Levels 31 - 40

Our Demigods Walkthrough will assist you as you tackle this intense and extremely challenging time management game. Rely on our detailed, step-by-step instructions and video tutorials for each and every level as you attempt to help the giants and save the world from certain destruction!

Level 31

  1. Chop down 2 trees
  2. Build bridge to left
  3. Clear to sawmill
  4. Build sawmill, boost and upgrade
  5. Boost and upgrade
  6. boost
  7. Build altar of Hermes
  8. Fill pits in two directions
  9. Boost altar twice
  10. Clear to farm and upgrade twice
  11. Boost altar
  12. Remove boulder
  13. Trade for gold
  14. Build bridge
  15. Fish
  16. Clear bear to quarry
  17. Build and upgrade
  18. Remove wolf blocking altar of Hermes
  19. Build altar of Hermes
  20. Remove bear blocking altar of Aphrodite
  21. Work up to upper left while collecting gold sheep
  22. Remove the wolf and collect the flower
  23. Remove the moose
  24. Repair the wall and the 2 tents




Level 32

  1. Chop down one tree
  2. Repair sawmill and boost twice
  3. Upgrade and boost
  4. Upgrade and boost
  5. Clear up road
  6. Build altar of Hermes
  7. Clear up to farm
  8. Build and upgrade
  9. Boost sawmill and trade for gold
  10. Clear to quarry and upgrade twice
  11. Clear to altar of Aphrodite and repair
  12. Clear up the center road and get the fish
  13. Clear up to the altar of Zeus
  14. Pick the flower
  15. Remove the moose blocking the statue
  16. Build the statue




Level 33

  1. Repair sawmill and boost twice
  2. Upgrade and boost
  3. Upgrade and boost
  4. Fill pit and get gem
  5. Repair altar of Aphrodite
  6. Boost twice
  7. Remove hydra blocking the farm
  8. Repair the farm and upgrade
  9. Boost altar
  10. Repair quarry and upgrade
  11. Boost quarry
  12. Repair altar of Hermes        
  13. Clear to oryhalc and collect
  14. Remove centaur blocking altar of Zeus
  15. Repair altar
  16. Collect oryhalc
  17. Repair boat




Level 34

  1. Clear to sawmill and past to get materials
  2. Repair sawmill and boost twice
  3. Upgrade and boost
  4. Upgrade and boost
  5. Clear to quarry
  6. Repair and upgrade twice
  7. Clear to altar of Aphrodite
  8. Boost sawmill
  9. Trade for meat
  10. Repair altar
  11. Boost
  12. Clear cyclops
  13. Put out fire and trade for gold
  14. Mine oryhalc
  15. Clear centaur blocking path to right
  16. Clear to farm
  17. Repair and upgrade
  18. Clear centaur blocking the altar of Hermes
  19. Repair
  20. Clear to altar of Zeus and repair
  21. Clear up to Cerberus (20 food, 20 divine might)




Level 35

  1. Collect resources
  2. Repair Sawmill and boost twice
  3. Upgrade and boost
  4. Upgrade and boost
  5. Clear to altar of Hermes
  6. Boost sawmill
  7. Repair right bridge
  8. Repair altar
  9. Boost sawmill
  10. Repair left bridge
  11. Boost altar
  12. Clear down to bridge and farm
  13. Boost altar
  14. Build bridge
  15. Clear ghost blocking quarry
  16. Boost sawmill
  17. Clear to quarry and altar of Zeus
  18. Repair Farm
  19. Repair altar
  20. Boost sawmill
  21. Upgrade farm
  22. Repair quarry
  23. Boost sawmill
  24. Upgrade quarry 2nd time and farm 3rd time
  25. Boost sawmill
  26. Upgrade quarry again
  27. Build bridge at bottom
  28. Trade marble for gold
  29. Clear to altar of Aphrodite
  30. Boost buildings as needed
  31. Repair altar of Aphrodite
  32. Boost all altars and collect sheep
  33. Do not get the one that shows up at the bottom right (it's too far away_
  34. When all sheep collected remove the rest of the souls
  35. Activate all altars




Level 36

  1. Clear down road to sawmill
  2. Repair sawmill and upgrade
  3. Upgrade and boost
  4. Upgrade and boost
  5. Repair altar of Hermes
  6. Build bridge
  7. Boost twice
  8. Repair sheep farm and upgrade twice
  9. Clear up the road on the left
  10. Build top bridge
  11. Clear down the road on the right
  12. Repair quarry and upgrade twice
  13. Remove minotaur at the bottom
  14. Trade marble for gold
  15. Remove the war dog and soul blocking the cave master
  16. Repair the bottom bridge
  17. Build the altar of Zeus
  18. Remove soul blocking the shortcut at bottom
  19. Pay the cave master
  20. Repair the altar of Aphrodite
  21. Collect sheep
  22. Remove last minotaur
  23. Activate the door control panel (15 materials, 15 marble) 




Level 37

  1. Collect resources
  2. Repair sawmill and boost twice
  3. Clear up to altar of Zeus
  4. Upgrade and boost
  5. upgrade
  6. Repair altar of Zeus
  7. Remove souls
  8. Boost activate blue switch
  9. Build bridge
  10. Collect resources
  11. Repair altar of Hermes
  12. Boost altars
  13. Wait for divine might
  14. Remove 2 souls
  15. Activate yellow switch
  16. Collect resources
  17. Repair sheep farm and upgrade twice
  18. Boost altars
  19. Remove 2 souls
  20. Wait for divine might
  21. Activate red switch
  22. Get gems
  23. Boost altar
  24. Remove right centaur
  25. Repair altar of Aphrodite
  26. Collect sheep
  27. Remove left centaur
  28. Activate green switch




Level 38

  1. Collect resources
  2. Build bridge to right
  3. Get divine might
  4. Put out fire
  5. Repair sawmill and boost twice
  6. Repair altar of Hermes and boost
  7. Boost and upgrade sawmill
  8. Upgrade sawmill and boost
  9. Build bridge to the left
  10. Clear down to sheep farm
  11. Repair and upgrade
  12. Boost
  13. Remove war dog blocking gems
  14. Repair altar of Aphrodite
  15. Remove minotaur
  16. Build bridge
  17. Keep boosting farm
  18. Fill pit with 15 materials and 5 divine might
  19. Remove war dog and minotaur
  20. Get gold from gem on left
  21. Fill pit blocking restless
  22. Collect 30 gold and pay cave master
  23. At 25-30 gold pay cave master
  24. Remove 2 restless souls
  25. At 15-20 gold pay cave master
  26. Collect last soul and restore the phoenix




Level 39

  1. Clear road
  2. Build sawmill and boost twice
  3. Get gems
  4. Build altar of Zeus
  5. Boost
  6. Boost and upgrade sawmill
  7. Boost and upgrade again
  8. Activate the switch
  9. Work around to the red arrow tunnel
  10. Collect gems twice
  11. Remove creature
  12. God through red tunnel
  13. Fill pit on the stairs
  14. Boost sawmill
  15. Repair farm and upgrade twice
  16. Collect gold at the top
  17. Clear purple cave
  18. Repair altar of Hermes
  19. Boost and collect gold
  20. Boost lots
  21. Clear to the altar of Aphrodite
  22. Repair altar
  23. Boost Hermes
  24. Remove soul blocking white tunnel
  25. Boost farm
  26. Clear down the left side
  27. Active the prophecy stones on the left
  28. After collecting sheep
  29. Just boos the altar of Hermes
  30. Remove the rest of the souls
  31. Check the rest of the prophecy stones




Level 40

  1. Work down to the left
  2. Repair the sawmill and boost twice
  3. Upgrade and boost
  4. Upgrade and boost
  5. Build the altar of Hermes
  6. Clear up the right and pay the mysterious creature
  7. Repair the farm
  8. Boost the sawmill
  9. Upgrade the farm twice and boost
  10. Mine the oryhalc
  11. Remove the centaur blocking the cave master
  12. Collect gems as you need gold
  13. Pay cave master
  14. Pay the creature on the right and repair the altar of Aphrodite
  15. Clear down the road to the altar of Hermes
  16. Remove the centaur and then Minotaur
  17. Repair the altar of Hermes
  18. Collect the sheep
  19. Pay the cave master twice more
  20. Remove the last centaur
  21. Activate the switch to start the smeltery 15 divine might