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Does anyone know what the Causal Ne...

Does anyone know what the Causal Nexus Achievement is about? I can't figure out if it's 100% accuracy on bonus levels or if it's about something else... I've got all achievements but this one and it bugs me. :P

By rer_2007
Causal nexus achievement is when you get 5 or more chain collapses in a row... I get mine acidentally, wish I could help more...

By khetenhaloss
Well my statistics say that my maximum chain reaction has been 5, so I'll try to get 6 and see what that does. Thanks for the info! ^_^

By omerta
my biggest chain reaction is 6 (but i made it in crossin' the nile mode), and i still cant get a clue what should i do to win the causal nexus reward =/
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