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Here's the bonuses I've found so fa...

Here's the bonuses I've found so far...

A 5 block match after buying the Sawmill gets the Farmer - gives you 100 extra supplies with each level.

2000 in supplies in a single level after buying the the Quarry gets the Miner - gives you 200 extra supplies with each level.

2 successive combos after buying the Tavern gets the Winemaker - gives you 300 extra food with each new level.

10,000 points in less than 10 levels after buying the Forge gets the Smith - charges your hammer faster. woohoo! ;)

3,000 food in a single level after buying the Field gets the Peasant - gives you 200 extra food with each new level.

3 successive combos after buying the Tabularium gets the Scholar - charges your plus faster.

Complete a level in less than 3 minutes after buying the Pantheon gets the Priest - charges your hourgl faster.

A chain reaction of 15 blows after buying the Colosseum gets the Gladiator - charges your shield faster.

3,000 in gold in a single level after buying the Forum gets the Orator - charges all bonuses faster.

Haven't been able to get the Mill bonus, (15 useful moves or not)
nor the bonus for the Port (?).... but still trying :)

By wallace
15 effective moves after buying the Mill = 15 consecutive moves that break tiles gets the Miller - gives you 100 extra food each level.
By scarlettespider
ty ty ty ty!!! in later editions of this game series, when you right click on the building, the pop up text tells you what you need to do to qualify for those bonus citizens. but in this earlier edition it doesn't say what they are. your list is super duper helpful. you are da bomb to have put this together for us and posting it. ty sooooo very much. one of many reasons why l love this site and its community!
By the doctor
What is a "combo"? I've tried everything to get the wine maker, all I can find is "2 successive combos"
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