Fiction Fixers The Curse of OZ Review
One of my favorite Movies is the Wizard of Oz. I have watched it soo many times. When I saw The Fiction Fixers:The Curse of Oz I jumped on it. Although it doesn’t follow the story exactly it is close enough for me. I had a great time playing it. It is very family friendly so the whole gang can join in if you want. I didn’t play the other Fiction Fixer game so I can’t compare the two but this one is great fun. The deal is Victor Vile has joined up with the wicked witch of the westand has put the whole land of Oz in the dark. The fixers job is to take care of that little situation. So first we pick up Dorothy from the hurricane and we are on our way down the yellow brick road. We pick up our 3 buddies along the way. There is a lot of puzzles to solve and very good hidden object scenes. There are also items you put together to help along the way. Don’t forget to include your new friends to help you solve the predicaments you run into. There is also a map to tell you which scenes you have completed and which ones still need work. You’re going to have a good time while you play this.